With the location in Ołtarzew we offer Polish and international transit customers a professional Trailer Center on the outskirts of Warsaw. The area covers 1.7 ha, features an optimal location about 1 km away from Autobahn A2, and is also the main support-warehouse for Schmitz Cargobull original parts in Poland. The showroom serves as a modern presentation area for the latest Schmitz Cargobull products, whereby chassis and drives can also be examined on the underside. The location in Ołtarzew hosts all training sessions and qualification measures for the more than 30 Polish service partners.
Trailer Center Ołtarzew/Warschau
ul. Poznańska 339 Ołtarzew
05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki
Tel.: +48 22 733 53 00
Fax: +48 22 733 53 02
E-Mail: biuro.oltarzew@ewt.pl